Company Profile
ProUmid was founded in 1990 as a manufacturer of customer-specific instruments and test-setups.
Focusing consistently on analytical equipment for precise control of humidity and temperature, over the years ProUmid developed a product range of advanced multi-sample dynamic vapor sorption instruments and humidity generators.
Development and manufacturing of our instruments is based in Germany. Our motivation is to serve the analytical market with unique instruments of highest quality.
ProUmid – 30 years of excellence in moisture analytics !

Company profile and history of products:
Product launch of the new fully integrated Raman spectrometer for the SPS series.
The combination of gravimetric sorption analysis with Raman spectroscopy provides important information about the moisture-induced behaviour of materials.
Release of the Analysis Suite, a DVS Analysis Software for advanced evaluation of multi-sampple DVS data.
Product launch of the Powder Conditioner that enables moisture equilibration of powers or granules at precisely controlled relative humidity as pre-treatment for analysis of bulk properties using equipment such as powder rheometer, flow tester, caking tester or ring shear cell.
A new MCC reference standard for sorption measurements is introduced. The former CRM 302 material that had become a standard for the validation of water vapor sorption instruments was discontinued by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements in 2015.
ProUmid strengthens sales activities in Asia. Establishment of the Beijing, China sales office.
Product launch of the Vsorp moisture sorption analyser.
ProUmid moves into a new, larger premises.
The powerful MHG100 humidity generator goes into production.
“PMT Analytical GmbH & Co. KG” changes name to “ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG”.
Introduction of the 4th model of SPS series, the vapor sorption analyzer SPSx-1µ-Advance. Due to the extremely high repeatability of the balance (better than ± 2 µg RMS), sample quantities from ‹10 mg up to 22 g can now be analysed at full resolution.
Product launch of the Modular Humidity Generator MHG32 for controlled relative humidity directly at the test object.
The series of the SPS vapor sorption analyzers is extended by two models:
The versatile SPSx-1µ-High-Load with a balance resolution of 1µg and a load range of up to 220g for large and voluminous samples.
High-resolution with the sorption system SPS23-100n with 0.1µg balance resolution for demanding applications in pharmaceutical pre-formulation.
The first SPS sorption test system is delivered to the Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology of the University of Innsbruck.
The instrument has been working perfectly for more than 20 years and is still being used each and every day.
Since 1997
Focus on instruments for the analysis of the moisture-induced behaviour of materials.
Establishment of the company initially as a sole proprietorship “Projekt Messtechnik”, later conversion to “PMT Analytical GmbH & Co. KG” with the object development, manufacture and sale of analytical instruments.