Legal Notice
ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG
Commercial Register Ulm HRA 722654
Fully liable associate company:v
ProUmid Beteiligungs GmbH
Commercial Register Ulm HRB 726905
August-Nagel-Str. 23
89079 Ulm
Tel.: +49 (0)7305 2030 440
Fax: +49 (0)7305 2030 439
Managing Director:
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Dillenz
Responsible as regards content acc. §6 MDStV:v Jürgen Dillenz
VAT-Identifikation Number acc. §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz
DE 279 389 204
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ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG is giving it a great effort to offer only actual and correct information on its websites to the utmost extent. But due to the unique technical set up of the world wide web and the possible technical equipment compositions of different users and the risks accompanying the reproduction of information, concerning actuality and correctness of this information, ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG does not accept any resulting obligations. All users hereby declare that their usage of the ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG websites is completely on their own risk. ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG is not able to control all websites, offered by third parties that can be accessed by links from the ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG website, and therefore does not take any responsibility concerning the correctness or other points tied to the information in those websites. All users hereby declare that they use the existing links completely on their own risk. ProUmid declines to be given confidential information about websites and/ or included e-mail addresses, and does not take any responsibilities concerning the confidentiality. All articles, pictures, brands, files and other published information fall under the copyright of ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG or the copyright of the institutions that authorized ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG to use them. The reproduction or passing on of such material or parts of it is only permissible with the authorisation of ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG or the according institution. Possible disputes related to the ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG websites and aimed against ProUmid GmbH & Co. KG fall under German law and the jurisdiction of the court of Ulm / Germany.