Sample Carousels and Sample Dishes
The ProUmid DVS instruments are compatibel with various exchangeable sample carousels, for sample dishes different in number and size. For samples that require special sample preparation, inserts and distance pieces are available.
Contact us to receive a quotation for samples carousels or sample pans

Sample carousel with 23 sample positions
Sample tray for 23 samples. Samples dishes suitable for small amounts of powder, granulated material or solid samples such as tablets, capsules as well as small pieces of electronics, plastics or plaster.
In addition, there are 23 further sample positions on an inner ring. These parallel samples are exposed to the same temperature and humidity conditions, but not weighed during a measurement. The purpose of these secondary samples is to be extracted during a running measurement (with a certain moisture content and water activity) for further external analysis. This can be powder X-ray diffraction of a pharmaceutical substance, for example when a phase transition of the material was observed at a certain T/RH setting during the DVS measurement.
Diameter of the sample dishes: 33 mm (secondary sample dishes 18 mm)
DVS instrument compatibility: SPSx-1µ-Advance, SPSx-1µ-High-Load, SPS11-10µ and Vsorp Plus, Vsorp Enhanced

Sample Carousel with 11 sample positions
Sample tray for 11 samples. The sample dishes with their large, flat bottom area and are suited for all different kinds of samples. For optimal sorption conditions, small amounts of powder can be applied in a very thin layer on the large bottom area. Larger sample quantities of coarse-grained granules, inhomogeneous bulky or lumpy samples can also be examined.
A second, inner circle of samples allows for 11 additional samples. These parallel samples can be extracted from the device for further analysis during a running measurement or are available for further examination after the end of a measurement.
Diameter of the sample dishes: 50 mm (secondary sample dishes 38 mm)
DVS instrument compatibility: SPSx-1µ-Advance, SPSx-1µ-High-Load, SPS11-10µ and all Vsorp models

Sample Carousel with 5 sample positionsn
Sample tray for 5 large, voluminous samples such as powder with a very low bulk density (e.g. fumed silica) or inhomogeneous bulky samples which require a large amount of material for a representative sample size, lumpy samples such as plaster, plastic or electronic parts, fiber materials or solid foams such as insulating materials.
Diameter of the sample dishes: 86 mm
DVS instrument compatibility: Vsorp Basic, Vsorp Plus

SPS23-100n sample carousel
Sample tray for the SPS23-100n instrument. The sample pans are specially designed for holding smallest sample quantities and adapted to the requirements for weighing with a submicro scale.
Additonal 23 parallel sample positions are available on an inner circle. These secondary samples are not weighed and can be extracted during a measurement for further analysis, for example in an X-ray diffractometer, if required.
Diameter of the sample dishes: 18 mm
DVS instrument compatibility: SPS23-100n

Standard sample dishes
Sample dishes for the different sample carousels
18 mm for the SPS23-100n sample tray,
33 mm for the sample tray with 23 sample positions,
50 mm for the sample tray with 11 sample positions,
86 mm for the sample tray with 5 sample positions

Sample pans for secondary samples
18 mm for the sample tray with 23 sample positions and the SPS23-100n sample tray

Sample preparation – PTFE inserts
Some materials show altered sorption properties in contact with aluminum. For these samples direct contact with the aluminum dish must be avoided. The PTFE inserts are placed inside the sample trays before taring of the dishes.
Compatible with: Sample tray with 11 sample postions and 50 mm sample dishes

Sample preparation – distance pieces
For plate or disc-shaped samples that should not lie flat on the bottom of the sample pan. The distance piece ensures that the surface area of the sample underside contributes to the sorption process to the same extent as the top side surface area. This is of particular interest for the calculation of diffusion coefficients.
Compatible with: Sample tray with 11 sample postions and 50 mm sample dishes
Contact us to receive a quotation for samples carousels or sample pans