Add-ons: DVS analysis in combination with additional sensors
Additional sensors, such as a camera or Raman probe in combination with dynamic water vapor sorption analysis, provide deeper insights into moisture-related material changes. The additional components can be easily attached to the ProUmid devices using specially developed sensor mounts. The complete integration of the sensors into the SPS software enables convenient measurement and evaluation of the results. With the help of the camera system, it is possible to directly observe color changes, the occurrence of deliquescence and moisture-dependent expansion or shrinkage of a material. Typical applications of Raman spectroscopy are the investigation of moisture-induced crystallization, hydrate formation and the analysis of polymorphic forms. The combination of DVS analyses with additional sensor components thus not only enables an accurate and reliable investigation of the material-moisture interaction, but also a more detailed understanding of the resulting changes in the material.Application notes

DVS in combination with in-line Raman measurements
Dynamic water vapor sorption analysis in combination with Raman spectroscopy is an optimal solution to investigate and explain moisture-induced changes in materials in more detail. This White Paper explains the principle of the measurement setup and the combined analysis using the examples of crystallization, hydrate formation and deliquescence.
Get the application note / white paper
Literature on combining ProUmid DVS devices with additional sensors
Sebastiaan Godts, at al. “Modeled versus Experimental Salt Mixture Behavior under Variable Humidity.” ACS Omega 9,18, 20454-20466, 2024. DOI
Jan T Benthien, et al. “Specific Dimensional Change Behavior of Laminated Beech Veneer Lumber (BauBuche) in Terms of Moisture Absorption and Desorption.” Fibers 8(7), 47, 2020. DOI
Martin Nopens, et al. “Simultaneous change of wood mass and dimension caused by moisture dynamics.” Scientific Reports 9, 10309, 2019. DOI
Martin Philipp Feth, et al. “New technology for the investigation of water vapor sorption–induced crystallographic form transformations of chemical compounds: a water vapor sorption gravimetry–dispersive raman spectroscopy coupling.” Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 100, 1080-1092, 2011. DOI